St Francis of Assisi, Petts Wood

For it is in giving that we receive.

Repair cafe 2

Repair Cafe

Don't bin it, bring it to Petts Wood Repair Cafe

All sessions are from 2 to 5 pm at St Francis Church Hall,
Greencourt Rd,
Petts Wood BR5 1QW

Dates are as follows

Sat 28th September 
Sat 26th October
Sat 30th November

Bring and get repaired for a donation (cash or card)- electrical items, furniture, clocks, bicycles, toys, clothing, upholstery  (one item per person).
We are now also able to sharpen knives and tools.

Unfortunately we are unable to repair  flat screen TVs due to manfacturers not supplying spares.

Enjoy coffee and cake while you wait

Repair Cafe

Please bear with us if you have to wait as demand can be high.
All donations go to the work of our church.

We are particularly keen to recruit more repairer volunteers.

A St Francis Church Project

We would be very grateful for feedback on your visit. Please send an email ‘Feedback- name’ to

Why do Christians Repair?

As Christians we believe God created the world to be cherished and cared for in its own right- not just for what humankind can extract from it by way of materials and energy.

Everything manufactured takes up resources of materials and  energy and creates greenhouse gases leading to climate change. 

Replacing repairable things or buying new things to get the latest gadgets uses up precious resources which future generations need.

Much material is not recyclable – especially plastic which is seriously polluting our oceans. Throwing away things which can be repaired puts thousands of tons of unnecessary waste into landfill.

Human work in making things should be regarded with dignity and respect. It should not be wasted on things we don’t use and value properly.

Bringing people together to repair shares skill and knowledge. It passes on those skills to the upcoming generation. 

It tends to be the poorer nations of the world who are experiencing the worst effects of climate change and depletion of natural resources.

As Christians we believe that the created world is for the benefit of all humankind, not just a privileged minority.

Many people of many other faiths and none share these principles and we delight in working together